A B D E F G H I K Ch L M N O P R S Sh T Tz U V Y Z

Zaken (pl. Zakenim) Elder Mature person who can counsel others, giving sound Scriptural advice, decisions and judgment
Zavim Suffers From Flux Ninth chapter in the Talmudic order of Tohorot, dealing with ritual uncleanliness caused by a flux. (VaYikra 15:1-30)
Zayin - Zayin Z 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
Zecharya Remembrance of Hashem One of the twelve Minor Prophets. The Sefer Zecharya consists of fourteen chapters. The first eight chapters, generally referred to as part one, contain a series of eight visions, by means of which the prophet expresses his assurance that Hashem will restore Yisrael's former glory. The last six chapters, spoken of as part two, include prophecies concerning the advent of Mashiach, deliverance, final victory, and G-d's reign of peace. Zecharya's prophecies, like those of Yechezkel, are apocalyptic. The purpose of his night-visions is to teach the future purification of Yerushalayim.

Also one of the kings of Yisrael, the son of Yerovoam (2Melachim 14:29)

Zecher Remembrance
Zecher Litziyat Mitzrayim In Remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt As a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt; a reference to some of the rituals we do, taken from Shabbat Kiddush
ZT"L (Zecher Tzaddik Livrocho) The Memory of the Righteous is a Blessing For deceased prominent Jewish scholars
Zechut Avot Merit of the Fathers The good deeds of the ancestors contribute to the welfare of their descendants. The expression, "You remember the good deeds of the patriarchs," is repeated three times daily in the opening benediction of the Shemoneh Esrei prayer.

The zechut avot concept, in Jewish theology, is expressive of the idea that individuals profit in the their lifetime by the meritorious acts of their ancestors. The Torah, in the second of the Ten Commandments, clearly indicates that the benefits of a man's good deeds will extend indefinitely, implying that G-d's mercy in rewarding righteousness infinitely transcends his anger in punishing the sinful (Shemot 20:6; Devarim 7:9)

Zechut Avot has also been interpreted to imply that a person is best able to advance on the road to moral perfection if he starts with the accumulated spiritual heritage of righteous ancestors.

The earliest use of the phrase zechut avot is in the Ethics of the Fathers, where we read: "Let all who work for the community do so from a spiritual motive, for then the merit of their fathers will sustain them, and their righteousness will endure forever" (Avot 2:2)

Zeman Cherutenu Our Festival of Freedom
Zeman Matan Toratenu The Season of the Giving of our Torah Another name for Shavuot
Zemannim In Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, the division containing the laws concerning the feasts and festivals bears the title Zemannim
Zeman Simchatenu Our Festival of Rejoicing Another name for Sukkot
Zemirot Table Songs The Zemirot are sung during the Shabbat meals and at the close of the Shabbat, sum up the very essence of holy joyousness that has been the keynote of Judaism. These songs and hymns, composed at a very early date, became particularly popular during the sixteenth century through Kabbalistic influence.

The custom of singing table songs, adding light and joy to the Jewish soul on the Shabbat, is said to be two thousand years old. There is a talmudic statement to the effect that when Jewish people eat and drink, they begin with words of Torah and hymns of praise; when idolaters eat and drink, they begin with frivolity and obscenity (Megillah 12b)

Zeraim Seeds First order of the Mishnah and Talmud, dealing with the laws of prayers and agricultural laws. Its eleven tractates include Berachot (blessings), Peah (corner of field), Demai (doubtfully tithed), Kilayim (mixtures), Sheviit (sabbatical year), Terumot (contributions, the priests' portion of the harvest), Maaserot (tithes), Maaser Sheni (second tithe), Challah (dough), Orlah (uncircumcised fruit), and Bikurim (first fruits)
Zeroa' (pl. Zeroaot) Arm Zeroa' in the Hebraic concept is a synonym for yad (hand)
Zeroa' Hashem Arm of Hashem At the peshat (literal meaning) level it is a metaphor for the power of Hashem. At the sod (deeper meaning) level it is a metaphor for the Mashiach who mediates the mighty acts of Hashem
Zevachim Animal sacrifices First tractate in the Talmudic order of Kodashim, discussing the laws related to animal sacrifices
Zikaron LeMaaseh Vereishit As a memory of creation, a reference to some of the rituals we do, taken from the Shabbat Kiddush
Zicharon Remembrance; Memorial Remembrance. We are told to think back on the days of old, to reflect on the years of each generation. "Ask your father and he will inform you, ask your elders and they will tell you" (Devarim 32:7).

Concerning the attack of the Amalekim, "Hashem said to Moshe: Write this down as something to be remembered" (Shemot 17:14)

The twelve memorial stones set up by the Yisraelim at Gilgal to commemorate their passage of the Yarden were likewise designed for the educational advantage of future generations: "When your children ask you what these stones mean to you, you shall tell them...These stones are to serve as a perpetual memorial to the Yisraelim" (Yehoshua 4:7).

Tehillim 137, which represents a lifelike memorial of the bitter experiences of exile, contains the famous expression: "If I forget you Yerushalayim, may my right hand be forgotten! May my tongue cleave to my palate if I remember you not, if I place not Yerushalayim ahead of my joy." Hence, the Sages introduced various enactments and usages in remembrance of the Temple and in memory of its destruction.

It has been remarked that a scattered people which remembers its past and connects it with the present will undoubtedly have a future as a people, and perhaps even amore glorious life than the one in the past

Z"L (Zichrono Livracha) Of Blessed Memory For deceased prominent Jewish scholars; Sometimes written as OBM; idiomatic equivalent of "may he rest in peace"
Zichronot Additional proclamations in the Musaf for Rosh Hashanah; proclamation of G-d, Master of Absolute Remembrance and Judge of the Universe
Zohar Splendor Book of Splendor. The work of the Kabbalah written by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (2nd century) and his students; mystical commentary on the Torah and the main text of the Kabbalah. Rich with deep religious inspiration, and containing many mystical interpretations of the Torah that have been in existence for centuries, the Zohar has served ever since its first appearance as the starting-point for every Kabbalistic discussion of Judaism.

The Zohar's mystic interpretation of the Torah is based on the principle that the biblical narratives contain deeper and more vital truths than they literally express. According to the conception of the Zohar, mysterious high purposes constitute the very soul of the Torah in all its contents. The Zohar often impresses upon the mind of the reader that the Torah contains higher truths in addition to the literal meaning of the narratives and precepts. "The narratives of the Torah are it garments... More valuable than the garment is the body that wears it, and more valuable even than that is the soul which animates the body. Fools see only the garment of the Torah; the more intelligent see the body; the wise see the soul of the Torah..."

According to the Zohar, everything in the Torah has a threefold significance; the outward, the inner, and the innermost, which is the most important and the most to be desired. The highest goal of the religious person is to penetrate into the inmost purpose of the precepts and practices. It is with this in view that the Zohar deals with all ethical duties and problems. There is hardly a philosophic or ethical subject with which the Zohar does not occupy itself.  See further: Zohar Index

Zonah A Prostitute
Zot Chanukah This is the Dedication The name associated with the last day of Chanukah due to the section read from the Torah on that day which begins with the phrase, "this was the dedication of the altar."

Tradition has it that the construction of the Mishkan (the portable sanctuary set up by Moshe in the wilderness) was completed on the 25th day of Kislev, coinciding with the day commemorating the miracle of Chanukah

Zugot Pairs Five Zugot of leading scholars, who preceded the tannaitic sages in Eretz Yisrael during the period of 150 years, are listed in the Ethics of the Fathers (Avot 1:4-12). Hillel and Shammai, the last of the five Zugot, are regarded as the first of the Tannaim, whose interpretations of the Torah are recorded in the Mishnah and in other tannaitic works.

Tradition reports that the first named of the Zugot served as president (Nasi) and the other vice-president (Av Beit Din) of the Sanhedrin in Yerushalayim.

These leading scholars are:

1) Yose ben Joezer and Yose ben Johanan
2) Joshua ben Perahia and Nittai the Arbelite
3) Judah ben Tabbi and Shimon ben Shetah
4) Shemaiah and Avtalyon
5) Hillel and Shammai
