Sefer Baal HaTurim

The work called Baal HaTurim is dedicated to explaining words, phrases or even entire verses of the Torah in the realm of remez (allusion), rather than in the realm of peshat (simple meaning of the verse), which is the field of the Peirush HaTur HaAruch.  This Rabbi Yaakov accomplishes through what he refers to as "condiments, which include:

The Torah sages of medieval Germany and France - including, but not limited to, Rabbi Elazar of Worms (the Rokeach), Rabbi Yehudah HaChassid, Rabbi Meir of Tothenburg (the Maharam), Rabbi Asher (the Rosh), Rabbi Chaim Paltiel, Rabbi Ephrayim - understood the masoretic notes in an entirely different manner.  Until the Mishnah and later the Gemara were committed to writing, the study of the Oral Torah (including explanations, interpretations, expositions, exegesis, etc., such as those found in the Talmud and Mishnah) was limited to memorization.  The most anyone was permitted to write was a very brief note, usually a mnemonic, to which he could later refer.  Although when the Talmud was committed to writing, general permission was granted for individuals to write their lessons, many scholars continued writing only brief notes.  This was the purpose and intent of the masoretic notes.  Not only the notes that specify "with two meanings," but every note written by the masoretes, was viewed as a brief, coded message that pointed to a deep insight.  These notes expose the Scriptural roots of many Talmudic teachings which may otherwise seem to be based only on pure logic.  They plumb the depths of the Tanach and come up with Biblical sources for Midrashim otherwise known only through tradition.  And this is the school which produced many of the masoretic interpretations cited by the Baal HaTurim.

In compiling his "condiments," Rabbi Yaakov drew on the works of all the scholars mentioned in previously, plus many more whose works have not come down to us.  Yet, in a manner untypical of his other works, in the Baal HaTurim, Rabbi Yaakov almost never cites his sources.  Perhaps, the study and repetition of these allusions was so widespread (many of the allusio9ns appear in a number of earlier works without attribution) that it was impossible to know with certainty the original source of any comment.
