had a tradition that it was forbidden to eat meat and fish that were cooked
or roasted together. This prohibition applies to all fish and all meats,
including fowl. If fluid from a fish falls into fluid from meat or fluid
from meat falls into fluid of fish, the mixture is forbidden.
If meat
and fish are roasted together without touching, so that only the smell of
one combined with the other, the poskim disagree, but it is fitting to be
and fish that are salted together do not become forbidden but,
lechatchilah, they should not be salted together. Whether or not meat
and fish that were pickled together for 24 hours are forbidden is disputed
by the poskim.
If meat
and fish were in a basin, and boiling water was poured on them, they are not
forbidden even though the boiling water cooked the surface of the meat and
fish. The reason that the meat and fish are not forbidden is that Chazal did
not forbid the combination of meat and fish in such a case and, besides
that, there are some who hold that the danger of eating meat and fish
together does not exist in these times.
If meat
is cooked in a pot that was used to cook fish (even within the last 24
hours), or fish was cooked in a pot that was used to cook meat (even within
the last 24 hours), the meat or fish is permitted. It is permitted to cook
meat, wash the pot and then cook fish, and vice versa.
while cooking fish, the fat of meat falls onto the outside of the pot, there
are those who hold that the fish is forbidden, but it is fitting to be
and cakes that are baked in an oven that is used to roast meat may be eaten
with fish.
If a
piece of fish falls into a pot of meat while it is cooking and is removed
immediately, the meat may be permitted because in so short a time the meat
would not be forbidden.
there is a doubt whether fish fell into meat or vice versa, the doubtful
mixture is forbidden, When something is forbidden because it is considered
dangerous, we are machmir in cases of doubt. When it is doubtful
whether the doubtful mixture occurred (sfayk sfayka), some are
meikel and some are machmir.
If fish
fell into meat, and there are sixty parts of meat for every part of fish,
the poskim disagree. Some hold that the mixture is allowed, others hold that
the dangerous combination of foods is never allowed, no matter how much more
meat than fish there is. In practice, modern poskim have permitted the meat.
If the piece of fish can be identified, it must be removed and discarded.
meat and fish are cooked together, is the pot prohibited and does it have to
be kashered? The poskim disagree. Even though it is permitted to cook meat
in a pot that was used to cook fish, when the meat and fish were cooked
together, they formed a forbidden mixture. We are inclined to be machmir and
forbid using the pot until it is kashered. There is also an important
opinion that it is only necessary to allow the pot to stand for 24 hours.
eating fish, a person who wants to eat meat should eat and drink something
else according to the Rama. There is an opinion that he should wash his
hands and eat pas sharui in order to clean out his mouth. This is the
opinion of the Mechaber. If after eating fish a person touches his
meat without washing his hands, the meat is not forbidden. We assume that
there were at least 60 parts of meat against the very small quantity of fish
that might have been transferred to it.