Haftarah VaYigash
Yechezkel 37:15 - 37:28
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37:15 Vayehi devar-HASHEM elai lemor.
The word of HASHEM came to me, saying,
16 Ve'atah ven-adam kach-lecha etz echad uchtov alav li-Yehudah velivnei Yisrael chaverav ulekach etz echad uchetov alav le-Yosef etz Efrayim vechol-beit Yisrael chaverav.
"Now you, Son of Man, take for yourself one piece of wood and write upon it, 'For Yehudah and for the Children of Yisrael, his comrades'; and take one piece of wood and write upon it, 'For Yosef, the wood of Efrayim and all the House of Yisra'el, his comrades.'
17 Vekarav otam echad el-echad lecha le'etz echad vehayu la'achadim beyadecha.
Then bring them close to yourself, one to the other, like one piece of wood, and they will become united in your hand.
18 Vecha'asher yomeru eleicha bnei amecha lemor halo-tagid lanu mah-eleh lach.
Now when the children of your people say to you, saying, 'Will you not tell us what these things are to you,'
19 Daber alehem koh-amar Ad-nai HASHEM hineh ani loke'ach et-etz Yosef asher beyad-Efrayim veshivtei-Yisrael chaverav venatati otam alav et-etz Yehudah va'asitim le'etz echad vehayu echad beyadi.
say to them: Thus said Ad-nai HASHEM; Behold, I am taking the wood of Yosef which is in the hand of Efrayim, and the tribes of Yisrael, his comrades, and I am placing them and him together with the wood of Yehudah; and I will make them into one piece of wood, and they will become one in My hand.
20 Vehayu ha'etzim asher-tichtov aleihem beyadecha le'eineihem.
The pieces of wood upon which you will write shall be in your hand, before their eyes.
21 Vedaber aleihem koh-amar Ad-nai HASHEM hineh ani loke'ach et-benei Yisrael mibein hagoyim asher halechu-sham vekibatzti otam misaviv veheveti otam el-admatam.
Say to them, 'Thus said Ad-nai HASHEM: Behold, I am taking the Children of Yisrael from among the nations to which they have gone; I will gather them from all around and I will bring them to their soil;
22 Ve'asiti otam legoy echad ba'aretz beharei Yisrael umelech echad yihyeh lechulam lemelech velo yihyu-od lishnei goyim velo yechatzu od lishtei mamlachot od.
I will make them into one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Yisrael, and one king will be a king for them all; they will no longer be two nations, and they will no longer be divided into two kingdoms, ever again.
23 Velo yitame'u od begiluleihem uveshikutzeihem uvechol pish'eihem vehoshati otam mikol moshvoteihem asher chate'u vahem vetiharti otam vehayu-li le'am va'ani eheyeh lahem le-Elokim.
They will no longer be contaminated with their idols and with their abhorrent things and with all their sins. I will save them [taking them] from all their dwelling places in which they had sinned, and I will purify them; they will be a nation to Me, and I will be a G-d to them.
24 Ve'avdi David melech aleihem vero'eh echad yihyeh lechulam uvemishpatai yelechu vechukotai yishmeru ve'asu otam.
My servant David will be king over them, and there will be one shepherd for all of them; they will follow My ordinances and keep My decrees and fulfill them.
25 Veyashvu al-ha'aretz asher natati le'avdi le-Yaakov asher yashvu-vah avoteichem veyashvu aleiha hemah uveneihem uvnei vneihem ad-olam veDavid avedi nasi lahem le'olam.
They will dwell on the land that I gave to My servant Yaakov, within which your fathers dwelled; they and their children and their children's children will dwell upon it forever; and My servant David will be a leader for them forever.
26 Vecharati lahem berit shalom berit olam yihyeh otam unetatim vehirbeiti otam venatati et-mikdashi betocham-le'olam.
I will seal a covenant of peace with them; it will be an eternal covenant with them; and I will emplace them and increase them, and I will place My Sanctuary among them forever.
27 Vehayah mishkani aleihem vehayiti lahem le-Elokim vehemah yihyu-li le'am.
My dwelling place will be among them; I will be a G-d to them and they will be a people to Me.
28 Veyade'u hagoyim ki ani HASHEM mekadesh et-Yisrael bihyot mikdashi betocham le'olam.
Then the nations will know that I am HASHEM Who sanctifies Yisrael, when My Sanctuary will be among them forever.'"