vayavo Avraham lispod le-Sarah velivekotah - Avraham came to eulogize Sarah and to weep for her

If it had been the intention of the Torah to inform us that Avraham came from elsewhere, i.e. from another town, the Torah would have written: "he came from such and such place."  The meaning of the word vayavo is simply that Avraham roused himself (from his shock) in order to eulogize Sarah. 

The Talmud in Tamid 4:3 when discussing the skinning and cutting up of animals which had been slaughtered in preparation for being offered on the altar, uses the expression "when the officiating Kohen got ready to deposit two ribs near the neck..." The expression ba lo cannot mean "that he came to a certain location," as a single animal is discussed.  All parts were in the same place.  It must refer to something different. 

In Bechorot 20 we encounter Rabbi Akiva saying, "and it certainly cannot mean 'I have not come to this measure,' or something similar.  It is clear that the meaning of the word is, 'I have not [yet] begun to work on this subject.'"  In our verse too, the Torah describes that now Avraham would attend to the task of eulogizing his wife.  Had the meaning been that Avraham came from afar, the Torah would have written "Avraham came and eulogized Sarah."

The two words lispod le-Sarah i.e. mentioning her name when was well known to all those present, need clarification.  We would have expected simply lispod velivekotah "to eulogize her and to weep for her."  The reason the Torah did not write this abbreviated version is that it is the custom of the professional elogizers to again and again mention the name of the departed whom they eulogize.  We find that when David, during the course of his eulogy of  King Shaul, and his own intimate friend Yonatan, mentions their names no fewer than six times.

In our verse, all the Torah had to write was that Avraham set out to "weep for her, and to bury her."  After all, burial is the principle act of true kindness one performs for one's dead and concludes the acts of eulogizing and weeping.  Burying a human being is one of the great acts of kindness which G-d Himself performs on occasion.  Had the Torah written the sequence of the words we mentioned, the impression this would have created amongst the readers would be that all these activities occurred one immediately after the other.  The truth is that whereas eulogizing and weeping occurred consecutively, there was quite an interval before Sarah was finally laid to rest.  Avraham first had to secure a plot of land in which to bury Sarah.

Sarah died in Chevron Tishrei 2085 (September 1677 bce) when she was 127 years old.