Etz Chaim
CD Title: Shabbat Workshop
Artist: Cantor Stuart Binder
Etz Chayim hi lamachazikim bah
It [Torah] is the tree of life for those who grasp it
v'tom'kheha m'ushar
and its supporters are praiseworthy.
D'rakheha darkhey no'am v'khol n'tivoteha shalom
Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace<
Hashivenu Hashem
Elecha v'nashuva
Chadesh yamenu k'kedem
Bring us back, Hashem
And we will reeturn to You
Renew our days as of old
Etz Hayyim
CD Title: Create Out of Nothing
Artist: Margot Stein Azen