Positive Mitzvah Eleven Studying and Teaching the Torah
It is a religious duty that the words of the Torah should be sharp and clear in a person's mouth, that he should not stammer over them. Whether one is poor or rich, or young or old,; whether he is a man laden with suffering, a poor person sustained by charity who makes the rounds knocking on doors for alms - he is duty-bound to set himself a fixed time for Torah study both by day and at night; for Scripture says, "...but you shall meditate in it day and night..." (Yehoshua 1:8).
To study and teach the Torah is called
The Sifre says:
This Mitzvah is repeated many times:
Women are not bound by this Mitzvah. We infer this from His words,
RaMBaM - Mishnah Torah
"The Sages, the Prophets [and all Yisrael] have
longed for the days of the Mashiach not in the hope of establishing their rule
over the whole earth, nor out of desire to exercise dominion over the idolaters
- indeed, neither for the sake of being exalted by the nations, nor from any
desire for food, for drink, or for pleasure - but in order that they may be free
to study the Torah and its Wisdom, without any oppression or interference, and
so may win Eternal Life." |