Yetzer HaTov -The Good Inclination
Yetzer HaRah -The Evil Inclination
Avot D'Rabbi Natan 16
Bava Batra 16a
Behold, It Was Very Good - The Two Inclinations
G-d Created the Yetzer HaRah in Man
Ha-satan Identified With Yetzer HaRa
Kiddushin 30b
Love G-d With All Your Heart - The Two Inclinations
Man Was Created to Cleave to G-d
One of the Four Things G-d Regrets That He Created
Sanhedrin 91b
Shabbat 105b
Sukkah 52a-b
Sukkah 52b
The Role of the Yetzer HaRah - RaMCHaL
The Two Yud in the Hebrew Word
The Yetzer HaRah Fulfils G-d's Will
Yetzer HaRah - Torah is the Antidote