Tje Thirteen Fundamental Principles of Judaism

Articles of Creed Covering the 613 Mitzvot of Judaism

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah (trusting faithfulness) that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, creates and guides all creatures, and that He alone made, makes, and will make everything.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, is unique, and there is no uniqueness like His in any way, and that He alone is our G-d, Who was, Who is, and Who always will be.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, is not physical and is not affected by physical phenomena, and that there is no comparison whatsoever to Him.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, is the very first and the very last.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name--to Him alone is it proper to pray and it is not proper to pray to any other.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that all the words of the prophets are true.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the prophecy of Moshe [Moses] our teacher, shalom upon him, was true, and that he was the father of the prophets--both those who preceded him and those who followed him.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the entire Torah now in our hands is the same one that was given to Moshe, our teacher, shalom be upon him.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that this Torah will not be exchanged nor will there be another Torah from the Creator, Blessed is His Name.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, knows all the deeds of human beings and their thoughts, as it is said, 'He fashions their hearts all together, He comprehends all their deeds.'

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that the Creator, Blessed is His Name, rewards with good those who observe His commandments, and punishes those who violate His commandments.

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah in the coming of the Mashiach, and even though he may delay, nevertheless I anticipate every day that he will come!

I am firmly convinced - with complete emunah that there will be a resurrection of the dead whenever the wish emanates from the Creator, Blessed is His Name and exalted is His mention, forever and for all eternity.


1) There is a Creator 2) He is One 3) He is incorporeal 4) He is eternal 5) He alone must be worshiped 6) The Prophets are true 7) Moshe was the greatest of all Prophets 8) The entire Torah was divinely given to Moshe 9) The Torah is immutable 10) G-d knows all the acts and thoughts of man 11) He rewards and punishes 12) Mashiach will come 13) There will be resurrection.
