Ikveta De'Meshicha
On the Heels of Mashiach
Close to his coming
Ikvot HaMashiach
Footsteps of The Mashiach
A Hebrew eschatological term. In the Jewish understanding, eschatology encompasses everything dealing with the coming of the Mashiach. The term is derived from Tehillim 89:51
Imahot |
Matriarchs; Mothers |
Im Yirtzeh Hashem
If it please Hashem
Used by Jews in connection with plans, hopes, promises and wishes. Conscious of the nearness of G-d, those who constantly live by faith are in the habit of accompanying every decision and promise with the words that have become an integral part of every Jewish dialect...expressing traditional Jewish faith in G-d and His relation to human destiny
A boiling-water process, used to make kosher for Pesach vessels and utensils by pouring water over them, if they are too large for immersion
Israel (al. Yisrael)
A name given to the Jewish patriarch Yaakov by G-d (Bereishit 32:38). In Jewish Biblical times, this name refers to the northern tribes (as distinct from Judea, the southern tribes), but also to the entire nation. Historically, Jews have continued to regard themselves as the true continuation of the ancient national-religious community of Yisrael. The term thus has s strong culture sense. In modern times, it also refers to the political state of Israel
Isru Chag
Bind the Festival
The day following the three pilgrim festivals (Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot) is known as Isru Chag (bind the festival), with reference to Tehillim 118:27. It is observed as a semi-festive day, when the Tachanun supplications are omitted from the Shacharit (morning) and Minchah (afternoon) services. In Temple times, Isru Chag was the day when the pilgrims left Yerushalayim for their homes. According to a talmudic statement, he who observes Isru Chag as a festive day with eating and drinking is as if he offered sacrifices upon the Mizbeach (Altar) (Sukkah 25b)
Issurim |
Prohibitions |
IY"H, IYH (Im Yirtzeh Hashem)
If it be Hashem's will
Used for referring to future actions as in "I'll see you tomorrow IY"H"
Iyar (al. Iyyar)
The second month of the Religious Hebrew calendar and the 8th on the Civil Hebrew calendar. In Scripture, this month is designated as Ziv in the sense of splendor. (1Melakhim 6:1)
The name Iyar is obviously connected with or (light)
Iyov (al. Iyyov)
The book of Iyov. Contains some of the deepest thoughts that have come down from antiquity. The book of Iyov consists of three parts: a prologue, a poem in dialogue form, and a epilogue.
In chapter 32, the virtues enumerated by Iyov are: a blameless family life, consideration of the poor and weak, charity, modesty, generousity, and hospitality to strangers.
The function of the Adversary (in Talmudic literature ha-satan was transformed into the yetzer hara, the evil inclination) is to strengthen man's moral sense by leading him into temptation.
The lesson of Iyov is that man's sufferings are a test of his fidelity. Man's finite mind cannot probe the depths of the divine omniscience that governs the world. A broader and deeper awareness of G-d's wisdom may solve the problems we encounter.
According to the Sages, Iyov's chief complaint was that although man is driven to sin by the yetzer hara, which is a part of G-d's creation, yet he is punished. But the Sages point out that Hashem also created the Torah by which man follows he can subdue the yetzer hara (Bava Batra 16a)