Names of Men in Torah
Biblical Names for Men
A partial list of names from the Torah.
Hebrew names each have their own specific meaning.
Adam | Earth | Name of the first man | Bereishit 2:7 |
Achiezer | My brother is my helper | Prince of the Tribe of Dan | Bamidbar 1:12 |
Achiman | My brother is a gift | Son of Anak, a giant | Bamidbar 13:22 |
Achira | My brother is evil | Leader of the Tribe of Naftali | Bamidbar 1:15 |
Achiram | My brother is noble | Son of Binyamin | Bamidbar 26:38 |
Achisamach | My brother is my support | Father of Oholiav, a craftsman of the Temple | Shemot 31:6 |
Achran | Disturbed; troubled | Member of the Tribe of Asher | Bamidbar 1:13 |
Adbe'el | G-d has established | Grandson of Avraham, son of Yishmael | Bereishit 25:13 |
Aharon | Mountain; shining; lights the way | Moshe's brother | Shemot 4:14 |
Alvah | Sin; transgression | Leader of a family of Esav | Bereishit 36:40 |
Alvan | Edomi name | Bereishit 36:23 | |
Amishadai | My people belong to G-d | Member of the Tribe of Dan | Bamidbar 1:12 |
Amram | Might nation | Father of Moshe | Shemot 6:18 |
Anah | To sing; to chant | Father of a wife of Esav | Bereishit 36:2 |
Aner | Meaning uncertain | Ally of Avraham | Bereishit 14:13 |
Aram | High; heights | Grandson of Noach | Bereishit 10:22 |
Aran | Sarcophagus; chest | Son of Seir the Chori | Bereishit 36:28 |
Ard | Bronze; wild ox | Son of Binyamin | Bereishit 46:21 |
Arnon | Roaring scream | Stream flowing from Moav into Dead Sea | Bamidbar 21:13 |
Arodi | Bronze | Son of Gad, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:16 |
Arioch | Measurement | King of Elasar | Bereishit 14:1 |
Ashbel | The fire of Bel | Son of Binyamin | Bereishit 46:21 |
Asher | Blessed; fortunate | Son of Yaakov & Zilpah | Bereishit 30:13 |
Ashkenaz | Meaning uncertain | Son of Gomer, great-grandson of Noach | Bereishit 10:3 |
Assir | Imprisoned; bound | Son of Korach | Shemot 6:24 |
Asriel | Prince of G-d | Son of Gilad, grandson of Menashshe | Bamidbar 26:31 |
Aviasaf | My father gathered; Father of multitude | Son of Korach | Shemot 6:24 |
Avida | My father knows | Grandson of Avraham & Keturah | Bereishit 25:4 |
Avidan | My father judges | A leader of the Tribe of Binyamin | Bamidbar 1:11 |
Avihu | He is my father | Second son of Aharon | Shemot 6:23 |
Avimael | G-d is my father | Descendant of Shem, who was Noach's son | Bereishit 10:28 |
Avimelech | My father, the king | King of Pelishiti | Bereishit 20:2 |
Aviram | My father is mighty | Conspirator against Moshe | Bamidbar 16:1 |
Avraham | Father of many nations | First Patriarch of the Jewish People | Bereishit 17:5 |
Avram | My father is noble | Avraham's original name | Bereishit 11:26 |
Avrech | Kneel down | A salutation for Yosef | Bereishit 41:43 |
Ayah | To fly swiftly | Descendant of Esav | Bereishit 36:24 |
Bela | Swallow or engulf | Son of Benyamin | Bereishit 46:21 |
Be'eri | My well | Father of Yehudit (one of Esav's wives) | Bereishit 26:34 |
Ben-Ami | Son of my people | Son of one of Lot's daughters | Bereishit 19:38 |
Betuel | House of G-d | Father of Rivkah, nephew of Avraham | Bereishit 22:22 |
Betzalel | Shadow of G-d | Builder of the Mishkan | Shemot 31:2 |
Binyamin | Son of my right hand | Youngest of Yaakov's 12 sons | Bereishit 35:18 |
Bukki | Tested; investigated | Leader of the Tribe of Dan | Bamidbar 34:22 |
Buz | Contempt | Son of Nachor | Bereishit 22:21 |
Datan | Meaning uncertain | Member of the Tribe of Reuven, one of the conspirators against Moshe | Bamidbar 16:1 |
Deuel | Knowledge of G-d | Member of the Tribe of Gad | Bamidbar 1:14 |
Diklah | Palm tree | Descendant of Noach | Bereishit 10:27 |
Divri | Orator | Father of a daughter of Yisrael who married an Egyptian | Vayikra 24:11 |
Dumah | Silence | Son of Yishmael | Bereishit 25:14 |
Ever | Other side | Descendant of Shem, grandson of Noach | Bereishit 10:21 |
Edom | Red | Name applied to Esav and his descendants | Bereishit 25:30 |
Efer | Mountain goat; deer | Son of Midyan, grandson of Avraham | Bereishit 25:4 |
Efod | Vest | Father of a leader of the Tribe of Menashshe | Bamidbar 34:23 |
Efrayim | Fruitful | Second son of Yosef, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 41:52 |
Efron | Bird | Chitti who sold burial plot to Avraham | Bereishit 23:8 |
Eilam | Eternal | Eldest of Shem's five sons | Bereishit 10:22 |
Einan | Yes | Father of a leader of the Tribe of Naftali | Bamidbar 1:15 |
Elon | Oak tree | Son of Zevulun, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit46:14 |
Elda'ah | G-d knows | Descendant of Avraham and Keturah | Bereishit 25:4 |
Eldad | Beloved of G-d | Man of Yisrael who prophesied in the desert | Bamidbar 11:26 |
Elazar | My G-d is my help | Son of Aharon the Kohen Gadol | Shemot 6:23 |
Eliav | My G-d is my father | A leader of the Tribe of Zevulun | Bamidbar 1:9 |
Elidad | My G-d is my friend | A leader of the Tribe of Binyamin | Bamidbar 34:21 |
Eliezer | My G-d is my help | Avraham's servant; also the name of Moshe's son | Bereishit 15:2; Shemot 18:4 |
Elishama | My G-d hears | A prince of the Tribe of Efrayim | Bamidbar 1:10 |
Elitzur | My G-d is a rock | A prince of the Tribe of Reuven | Bamidbar 1:5 |
Eltzafan | G-d has hidden | Cousin of Moshe & Aharon | Shemot 6:22 |
Elyassaf | G-d will increase | A leader of the Tribe of Gad | Bamidbar 1:14 |
Er | Guardian; awake | Son of Yehudah | Bereishit 38:3 |
Eri | My guardian | Son of Gad | Bereishit 46:16 |
Esav | Hairy | Son of Yitzchak & Rivkah | Bereishit 25:25 |
Eshban | Galley | Descendant of Seir the Chori | Bereishit 36:26 |
Eshkol | Cluster of grapes | A man who made a covenant with Avraham | Bereishit 13:24 |
Evi | Desire | One of the five kings of Midyan | Bamidbar 31:8 |
Gacham | To kindle;burn; flame | Avraham's nephew | Bereishit 22:24 |
Gad | Happy; fortunate | One of Yaakov's sons from Zilpah | Bereishit 30:11 |
Gadiel | G-d is my blessing | Of the Tribe of Zevulun, one of the spies | Bamidbar 13:10 |
Gamliel | G-d is my reward | A leader of the Tribe of Menashshe | Bamidbar 1:10 |
Gemali | My reward | Member of the Tribe of Dan | Bamidbar 13:12 |
Gera | Combat; dispute | One of the sons of Binyamin | Bereishit 46:21 |
Gershom | Stranger | Son of Moshe | Shemot 2:22 |
Gershon | Stranger | Son of Levi | Bereishit 46:11 |
Geuel | Redeemed by G-d | Member of the Tribe of Gad; one of the spies | Bamidbar 13:15 |
Gomer | To end | Son of Yefet | Bereishit 10:2 |
Guni | Tinge of color | Son of Naftali | Bereishit 46:24 |
Hevel | Breath; vapor; emptiness | Son of Adam & Chavah, Brother of Kayin | Bereishit 4:3 |
Hoshea | Salvation | Original name of Yehoshua | Bamidbar 13:8 |
'Irad | To escape | Granson of Kayin | Bereishit 4:18 |
'Iram | To escape | A prince in Esav's family | Bereishit 36:43 |
Itamar | Islands of palms | Aharon's youngest son | Shemot 6:23 |
Kayin | To acquire | Son of Adam & Chavah, and brother of Hevel | Bereishit 4:1 |
Kalev | Dog; heart | One of the twelve spies | Bamidbar 13:6 |
Karmi | My vineyard | Son of Reuven, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:9 |
Kedar | Black; dark | Son of Yishmael | Bereishit 25:13 |
Kedem | Eastward | Son of Yishmael | Bereshit 25:15 |
Kehat | Faint; weak | Son of Levi, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:11 |
Kemuel | To stand up for G-d | Son of Nachor, Avraham's brother | Bereishit 22:21 |
Kenan | Acquire; possess | Great-grandson of Adam, son of Enosh | Bereishit 5:9 |
Kenaz | Reed | Granson of Esav, the son of Elifaz | Bereishit 36:11 |
Korach | Bald | A Levi who led rebellion against Moshe and Aharon | Bamidbar 16:1 |
Chadad | Sharp | 6th son of Yishmael, grandson of Avraham | Bereishit 25:15 |
Chagai | Festive | Son of Gad, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:16 |
Cham | Warm; dark | Noach's second son | Bereishit 5:32 |
Chamul | Spared; saved | Son of Peretz, grandson of Yehudah | Bereishit 46:12 |
Chanoch | Dedicated | Son of Kayin; also father of Metuselach | Bereishit 4:17 |
Charan | Mountain air | Brother of Avraham | Bereishit 11:26 |
Chavilah | Soft, damp sand; mud | Grandson of Noach | Bereishit 10:7 |
Chazo | Breast of animal | Son of Nachor, the nephew of Avraham | Bereishit 22:22 |
Chefer | To dig | Father of Tzelofchad | Bamidbar 26:33 |
Chelon | Fortress | Member of the Tribe of Zevulun | Bamidbar 1:9 |
Chemdan | Precious; desirable | Descendant of Seir the Chori | Bereishit 36:26 |
Chori | To dig; make a hole | Father of a leader of the Tribe of Shimon | Bamidbar 13:5 |
Chuppim | Enclosure | Son of Binyamin, grandson of Yaakov | Shemot 46:21 |
Lael | Belonging to G-d | A Levi, father of a leader of the Gershon family | Bamidbar 3:24 |
Lavan | White | Father of Leah & Rachel, brother of Rivkah | Bereishit 24:29 |
Lemech | Meaning uncertain | Descendant of Kayin | Bereishit 4:18 |
Levi | One who accompanies; attends | Son of Yaakov & Leah | Bereishit 29:34 |
Livni | White | A Levi, son of Gershom | Shemot 6:17 |
Lot | Myrrh; a precious resin | Nephew of Avraham | Bereishit 11:27 |
Lotan | To envelop | Son of Seir the Chori | Bereishit 36:20 |
Lud | Meaning uncertain | Grandson of Noach | Bereishit 10:22 |
Maachah | To press | Nephew of Avraham, son of Nachor | Bereishit 22:24 |
Machi | To diminish | Member of the Tribe of Gad, father of one of the 12 spies | Bamidbar 13:15 |
Machir | Merchandise | Son of Menashshe, grandson of Yosef | Bereishit 50:23 |
Machili | My affliction | Grandson of Levi, the eldest son of Merari | Shemot 6:19 |
Madai | Strife; war | Grandson of Noach, son of Yefet | Bereishit 10:2 |
Magdiel | Goodness; excellence of Hashem | Descendant of Esav | Bereishit 36:43 |
Mahalalel | Praise to G-d | Son of Kenan, grandson of Enosh | Bereishit 5:12 |
Malkiel | G-d is my king | Grandson of Asher | Bereishit 14:18 |
Malki-tzedek | My king is rightousness | King of Salem | Bereishit 14:18 |
Medad | Friend | A leader and prophet in the time of Moshe | Bamidbar 11:26 |
Medan | Strife;contention; war | Son of Avraham & Keturah | Bereishit 25:2 |
Mehuyael | Man who asks | Descendant of Kayin | Bereishit 4:18 |
Mei Zahav | Golden water | An Edomi | Bereishit 36:39 |
Menashshe | Causing to forget | Eldest son of Yosef, brother of Efrayim | Bereishit 41:51 |
Merari | Bitter | Son of Levi, grandson of Yaakov | Shemot 6:19 |
Metuselach | Messenger | The longest living man (969 years) | Bereishit 5:12 |
Metushael | Man who was asked | descendant of Kayin | Bereishit 4:18 |
Michael | Who is like G-d? | Member of the Tribe of Asher | Bamidbar 13:13 |
Midyan | Strife; war; contention | Son of Avraham & Keturah | Bereishit 25:2 |
Mishael | Borrowed | A cousin of Moshe & Aharon | Shemot 6:22 |
Mishma | Hear; news | Son of Yishmael, grandson of Avraham | Bereishit 25:14 |
Mitzvar | Secure place | Descendant of Esav | Bereishit 36:42 |
Mizza | To empty | Grandson of Esav | Bereishit 36:17 |
Moshe | Drawn out (of the water) | Leader of the Yisraelim | Shemot 2:10 |
Mushi | Touch; remove | Grandson of Levi, the younger son of Merari | Shemot 6:19 |
Nachbi | To hide; to withdraw | One of the 12 spies | Bamidbar 13:14 |
Nachor | Nostril | Brother of Avraham, son of Terach | Bereishit 11:26 |
Nachshon | Diviner | Brother-in-law of Aharon, became prince of Yehudah | Shemot 6:23 |
Nadav | Generous; noble | Eldest son of Aharon | Shemot 6:23 |
Nafish | To refresh oneself | Son of Yishmael, grandson of Avraham | Bereishit 25:15 |
Naftali | To wrestle; to compare | Second son of Yaakov & Bilhah | Bereishit 30:8 |
Nefeg | Casualty; wounded | A Levi, the son of Yitzhar | Shemot 6:21 |
Nemuel | Ant, therefore, industrious | Member of the Tribe of Reuven | Bamidbar 26:9 |
Nevayot | Behold; see | Elder son of Yishmael | Bereishit 25:13 |
Nimrod | Rebel | Son of Kush, grandson of Cham | Bereishit 10:8 |
Noach | Rest | Main character in the story of the flood | Bereishit 5:29 |
Nun | Offspring; to grow | Father of Yehoshua (successor to Moshe) | Shemot 33:11 |
Ofir | Gold | Son of Yoktan | Bereishit 10:29 |
Ohad | Beloved | The 3rd son of Shimon, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:10 |
Oholiav | Father (G-d) is my tent | Assistant of Betzalel | Shemot 31:6 |
Omar | To praise; to revere | Descendant of Esav | Bereishit 36:11 |
On | Strength; wealth | Leader of the rebellious Korach group | Bamidbar 16:1 |
Onam | Strength; wealth | Descendant of Esav | Bereishit 36:23 |
Ozni | My ear; my hearing | Son of Gad, grandson of Yaakov | Bamidbar 26:16 |
Pagiel | To pray; to entrat G-d | A leader of the Tribe of Asher | Bamidbar 1:13 |
Palu | Miracle | Reuven's second son, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:9 |
Pedael | G-d has redeemed | A leader of the Tribe of Naftali | BAmidbar 34:28 |
Pelet | Escape; deliverance | Son of Reuven, grandson of Yaakov | Bamidbar 16:1 |
Peretz | Burst forth | Son of Yehudah & Tamar | Bereishit 38:29 |
Pinchas | Mouth of a snake | Grandson of Aharon, later a Kohen Gadol | Shemot 6:25 |
Potifar | Servant of the (sun) god | Perfect in Pharaoh's court | Bereishit 39:1 |
Potifera | Servant of the (sun) god | Yosef's father-in-law, Priest of on | Bereishit 46:20 |
Putiel | Servant of G-d | Father-in-law of Eleazar | Shemot 6:25 |
Raamah | Man (of an animal); crest | Great-grandson fo Noach, son of Kush | Bereishit 10:7 |
Rafu | To heal | Member of the Tribe of Binyamin | Bamidbar 13:9 |
Reu | Friend; companion | Son of Peleg | Bereishit 11:18 |
Reuel | Friend of G-d | Another name for Yitro, father-in-law of Moshe | Shemot 2:18 |
Rifat | Meaning uncertain (maybe grain; fruit) | Grandson of Yefet | Bereishit 10:3 |
Rosh | Chief; bitter | Son of Binyamin, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:21 |
Salu | Basket | The father of Zimri, a leader of the Tribe of Shimon | Bamidbar 25:14 |
Samlah | Garment; left-handed | King of Edom | Bereishit 36:36 |
Savtah | Old; grandfather | Son of Kush | Bereishit 10:7 |
Sered | Frightened; fearful | Son of Zevulun, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:14 |
Serug | Twig; intertwine | Descendant of Shem | Bereishit 11:20 |
Seva | Imbibers of wine | The eldest son of Kush | Bereishit 10:7 |
Shechem | Shoulder | Son of Chamor, who kidnapped Dinah, the daughter of Yaakov | Bereishit 34:2 |
Shedeur | Flame | Member of the Tribe of Reuven | Bamidbar 1:5 |
Shelah | Peaceful | Youngest son of Yehudah | Bereishit 38:5 |
Shelach | Missile; weapon; sprout | Father of Ever | Bereishit 10:24 |
Shelef | To draw (a sword); to plunder | Son of Yoktan | Bereishit 10:26 |
Shelumiel | G-d is my reward | Leader of the Tribe of Shimon | Bamidbar 1:6 |
Shem | Name; connoting reputation | Eldest of Noach's three sons | Bereishit 5:32 |
Sheshai | Ivory | Descendant of Anak, the giant | Bamidbar 13:22 |
Shet | Appointed | Son of Adam born after the death of Hevel | Bereishit 5:3 |
Shiftan | Judge | Leader of the Tribe of Efrayim | Bamidbar 34:24 |
Shilem | Peace; reward | Son of Naftali, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:24 |
Shimon | To hear | Second son of Yaakov & Leah | Bereishit 29:33 |
Shimron | Guard | Son of Yissachar | Bereishit 46:14 |
Shlomi | My peace | Father of the leader of the Tribe of Asher | Bamidbar 34:27 |
Shoval | Barren | Descendant of Seir the Chori | Bereishit 36:2 |
Shua | Salvation; victory | Father-in-law of Yehudah | Bereishit 38:2 |
Shuach | To walk | Son of Avraham & Keturah | Bereishit 25:2 |
Shuni | Harbor; seashore | Son of Gad, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:16 |
Sitri | My secret; my hidden place | A Levi of the Kehat family | Bereishit 6:22 |
Sodi | My secret | Father of Gadiel, spy from the tribe of Zevulun | Bamidbar 13:10 |
Susi | My horse | Father of the spy from the Tribe of Menashshe | Bamidbar 13:11 |
Tachash | Wild one-horned beast | Son of Nachor, nephew of Avraham | Bereishit 22:24 |
Terach | Wild goat | Father of Avraham, a descendent of Shem | Bereishit 11:24 |
Tevach | Slaughter | Son of Nachor | Bereishit 22:24 |
Tola | Worm; scarlet material | Son of Yissachar, one of Yisrael's judges | Bereishit 46:13 |
Tzelofchad | Protection from fear | Member of the Tribe of Menashshe | Bamidbar 26:33 |
Tzifion | Watchtower | Son of Gad, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:16 |
Tzipor | Bird | Father of Balak | Bamidbar 22:2 |
Tzochar | Tan; reddish-grey | Son of Shimon, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:10 |
Tzuar | Small | Leader of the Tribe of Yissachar | Bamidbar 1:8 |
Tzuriel | G-d is my rock | Father of a leader of the Merari family | Bamidbar 3:35 |
Tzuri-shaddai | G-d is my rock | Father of a leader of the Tribe of Shimon | Bamidbar 1:6 |
Uri | My flame | Member of the Tribe of Yehudah | Shemot 31:2 |
Uz | Advice; wisdom; to make haste | Grandson of Shem | Bereishit 10:23 |
Uzal | To leave; to be exhausted | Descendant of Shem | Bereishit 10:27 |
Uziel | G-d is my strength | son of Kehat, grandson of Levi | Shemot 6:18 |
Vofsi | Meaning uncertain | Member of the Tribe of Naftali | Bamidbar 13:14 |
Yaakov | Held by the heel | The third Patriarch | Bereishit 25:26 |
Yachin | (G-d) will establish | Son of Shimon, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:10 |
Yachleel | Waiting for G-d; faith in G-d | Member of the Tribe of Zevulun | Bereishit 46:14 |
Yair | To light up; enlighten | Son of Menashshe, grandson of Yosef | Devarim 3:14 |
Yamin | Right hand | Son of Shimon, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:10 |
Yaval | Stream | Son of Lemech and his wife Adah | Bereishit 4:20 |
Yefet | Beautiful | Youngest of Noach's three sons | Bereishit 5:32 |
Yefuneh | (G-d) will face | Father of Kalev | Bamidbar 13:6 |
Yehoshua | G-d is salvation | Moshe's disciple and the leader after Moshe's death | Shemot 16:9 |
Yehudah | G-d will be praised | Son of Yaakov & Leah, one of the Tribes | Bereishit 29:35 |
Yemuel | Day of Hashem | Son of Shimon, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:10 |
Yerach | Moon; month | Son of Yoktan, descendant of Shem | Bereishit 10:26 |
Yered | Descend | Father of Chanoch | Bereishit 5:15 |
Yetur | Row | Son of Yishmael | Bereishit 25:15 |
Yetzer | Desire; inclination | Son of Naftali, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:24 |
Yigal | He will redeem | One of the 12 spies | Bamidbar 13:7 |
Yimnah | Good fortune; right side | Son of Asher, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:17 |
Yishbak | To let go | Son of Avraham & Keturah | Bereishit25:2 |
Yishmael | G-d will hear | Son of Avraham and the brother of Yitzchak | Bereishit 16:11 |
Yishvah | Smooth; agreeable | Son of Asher, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:17 |
Yisrael | Wrestled with G-d | The name given to Yaakov | Bereishit 32:28 |
Yissachar | There is a reward | Son of Yaakov and Leah, one of the Tribes | Bereishit 30:18 |
Yitro | Abundance; riches; excellence | Moshe's father-in-law | Shemot 3:1 |
Yitzchak | He will laugh | Second of the three Patriarchs | Bereishit 17:19 |
Yitzhar | Fresh oil; he will shine | Son of Korach, grandson of Levi | Shemot 6:21 |
Yoktan | Small | Descendant of Shem | Bereishit 10:25 |
Yosef | G-d will add; increase | One of Yaakov's 12 sons | Bereishit 30:24 |
Yov | He will return | Son of Yissachar, grandson of Yaakov | Bereishit 46:13 |
Yovav | To lament; to cry | Son of Yoktan | Bereishit 10:29 |
Yuval | Stream | Son of Lemech | Bereishit 4:21 |
Zakkur | Remembrance | Father of one of the spies | Bamidbar 13:4 |
Zerach | Light; shine | Son of Yehudah & Tamar | Bereishit 38:30 |
Zevulun | To honor; lofty house | 6th son of Yaakov & Leah | Bereishit 30:20 |
Zichri | My memory; my remembrance | Grandson of Levi | Shemot 6:21 |
Zimran | Mountain-sheep; goat | Son of Avaraham & Keturah | Bereishit 25:2 |