Hebrew Baruch HaShem - Blessed is the Name of G-d

Headcoverings by Devorah Banner
Head Coverings for Religious Purposes, Tzniut - Modesty or Hair Loss

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Torah Resources

Torah Resources - Online Resource Site for Torah Study

Torah Resources for Judaism, Jewish Education, and Biblical Studies.

The commandment of Torah study is a positive Biblical precept. This commandment is defined as one of the most important of the mitzvot, as is written in the Talmud: “And the study of Torah is equivalent to them all” (Shabbat 127a). Its importance stems not only from its halakhic definition but from the one who performs it, studying the Torah and becoming a partner in the nation’s cultural heritage, according to the Talmudic expression: “He becomes a partner in bringing the Divine Presence among the People of Israel” (Sanhedrin 99b).


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