Hebrew Baruch HaShem - Blessed is the Name of G-d

Headcoverings by Devorah - Mitpachat Tichel Israeli ScarvesHeadcoverings by Devorah
Head Coverings for Religious Purposes, Tzniut - Modesty or Hair Loss

Where Modesty Does Not Mean Frumpy!


Custom Made Headcoverings - Scarves, Kerchiefs, Snoods, Veils Mantillas, Shawls, Hair Wraps, Kippot, Hats, Modest Clothing & Judaic Art

Shalom Art

Hebrew Shalom - Peace Art

Shalom: The Hebrew word shalom has a wider meaning than the English equivalent "peace", for it signifies welfare of every kind - security, contentment, sound health, prosperity, friendship, peace of mind and heart, as opposed to the dissatisfaction and unrest caused by evil (Yeshayahu [Isa.] 32:17; 48:22).

Hillel said, "Love peace and strive for peace" (Avot 1:12).

Among Talmudic statements about peace the following may be quoted: "The whole Torah exists on for the sake of peace. For the sake of peace, truth may be sacrificed" (Gittin 59b; Yevanot 65b)

The phrase shalom lachem (peace be with you) occurs in Bereishit (Gen.) 43:23 in the sense of the usual Hebrew greeting shalom aleichem, now generally abbreviated to shalom. The inverted order aleichem shalom in response to the greeting shalom aleichem is a form of emphasis.

According to a Talmudic statement, he who does not return a greeting is called a robber (Berachot 6b). We are told to meet every person with a friendly greeting (Avot 4:20).

INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: Please contact me prior to purchasing for an invoice with appropriate shipping costs for your area.

To purchase select from the below designs. Click on pictures for a larger view.

Gold Hebrew Shalom Jewish Art Taupe Framed Gold Shalom Art
HebArt-SHLM1. 8x10 Gold Shalom Framed Art w/black diamond embossed background and gold shimmer parchment of ancient Hebrew text (copied from the Hebrew text of the Zohar). This art contains a pretty blue Swarvoski Crystal jewel accent to complete the Hebrew letter shin of the word Shalom. Frame is gold embossed upon taupe and is self standing or can be hung.
Price: 26.99

Gold Framed Gold Shalom Hebrew Art Gold Shalom Framed Art
HebArt-SHLM2. 8x10 Gold Sheen Shalom Framed Art w/black diamond embossed background and gold shimmer parchment of ancient Hebrew text (copied from the Hebrew text of the Zohar). This art contains a pretty blue Swarvoski Crystal jewel accent to complete the Hebrew letter shin of the word Shalom. Frame is an embossed gold tone and is self standing or can be hung.
Price: 26.99

Gold Taupe Gold Shalom New Background Framed Art Gold Shalom Black New Background Judaic Art Gold Taupe Design Gold Shalom Hebrew Art
HebArt-SHLM3. 8x10 Gold Sheen Shalom Framed Art w/black embossed background and gold shimmer parchment of ancient Hebrew text (copied from the Hebrew text of the Zohar). This art contains a pretty blue Swarvoski Crystal jewel accent to complete the Hebrew letter shin of the word Shalom. Frame is an embossed gold tone & taupe design and is self standing or can be hung.
Price: 26.99

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